Have you gone for a run lately? Have you maybe run for a marathon, a total of 42 km?Imagine running this 42 km every day, finally reaching a total of 5,376 km. That would be 128 days of running, more than halfway across Canada. Meet a man who has done all this — but on only one real leg! Meet Terry Fox.
Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg, Canada, on July 28th, 1958. He won many awards for playing sports when he was small. He went to university to be a physical education teacher. In 1977, however, something happened that was going to change him for life. One day, he came home complaining about a pain in his knee. The pain was really bad so he went to the hospital. There he found out he had cancer. To stop the spread of the cancer, doctors had to cut off his leg.
He replaced his old leg with an artificial one, and in 3 weeks he was walking again. He felt good about beating cancer. Just before his surgery he had read about Dick Traum. This man had lost a leg too, and he had run the New York City marathon. That inspired Terry Fox for the rest of his life.
Fox started training and ran his first marathon in 1979. His aim is to run all the way across Canada to raise one dollar per Canadian for cancer research. He started on April 12th in St John’s, a town on the Atlantic Coast. By July he had reached Toronto and he was welcomed by 10,000 supporters. He kept going west at the pace of 42 km per day, on his way north, just on the outskirts of Thunder Bay he had to stop. He hadn’t completely defeated the cancer, and now it had spread to his lungs. He had to quit running and fly back home for treatment.
Terry Fox inspired many people who raised more money for his cause. In January 1981 not long before Fox passed away, his dream became true. He had raised 24.1 million dollars, equalling the population of Canada.
1. Why did Terry Fox start running marathons?
A. Because he had only one leg.
B. To stop the spread of the cancer.
C. To tell his family and friends that he was well.
D. To help cancer research.
2. From the passage, we know that Canada is _____ wide.
A. 2,688 km B. 5,376 km C. 10,752 km D. 21,504 km
3. How old was Terry Fox when he started running marathons?
A. 21. B. 19. C. 23. D. Unknown.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Terry Fox won many awards on only one leg.
B. Terry Fox ran to raise money for his treatment.
C. Terry Fox was encouraged by Dick Traum.
D. Terry Fox raised 24.1 million dollars.
5. Where do you think this passage is taken from?
A. Biography. B. Newspaper. C. Novel. D. Journal.
Looking for Canadian culture? Just put your eyes on the ice rink. “We love hockey,” says Marion Alexander, a Canadian English teacher in Beijing. “It really is Canada’s sport.”
There is no other sport so close to the hearts of Canadians and no other sport in which Canadians have been so successful. But how much do you know about hockey?
Hockey is played on a court of ice called a rink. Each team has six players: a goalie (goal keeper), a centre, two defensemen, and two forwards. All of them wear ice skates.
Instead of a ball, hockey uses a puck, which is a small black object that looks like a small, flat round cake made of rubber. Each team tries their best to hit the puck with their hockey sticks into the other team’s goal. The team which scores the most goals at the end of three periods is the winner.
“Hockey has a lot of rules,” says Alexander, “but once you are used to it, it seems very natural.”
In Canada, hockey is part of the national identity. Many Canadians play youth hockey when they are growing up, and many Canadian families make a tradition of watching the games.
“I played goalie when I was younger,” remembers Alexander. “My family would always watch the Calgary Flames (a team in the National Hockey League) play on TV.”
Hockey doesn’t just unite families. It also brings the whole country together, especially during the Olympics. “Canada is a diverse country that doesn’t have a strong unified culture like China. That is why hockey is so important. Supporting the national team brings all of Canada together,” says Alexander.
6. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. the origin and development of hockey B. Canadians’ diverse sports culture
C. Marion Alexander’s view of hockey D. the role of hockey in Canadian culture
7. Hockey is important to Canadians for all of the following reasons except _____.
A. it is Canadians’ favourite sport B. it is an event at the Olympics
C. it is part of the national identity D. it helps unite the whole country
8. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A. Canada is more diverse than China.
B. Canadians are not as united as the Chinese.
C. There are not many things that bring all Canadian people together.
D. There are not so many sports in Canada as in China.
9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Canada’s most beloved sport is hockey.
B. Hockey is a game made up of three periods and is contested between two teams of 12 skaters.
C. Hockey is very important to Canadians, who love it more than any other sport.
D. Hockey is not an Olympic sport, though it is the most popular sport in Canada.
10. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Hockey Brings Canadians Together B. How to Play Hockey
C. The National Identity for Canadians D. Finding Canadian Culture
1. D
解析:本题考查Terry 此举的目的,由第四段第二句可知选D。
2. C
解析:5,376 km大概是加拿大东西的一半,故全长大约为10,752 km。
3. A
4. C
解析:C选项是对原文中 “That inspired Terry Fox for the rest of his life.” 的转述。
5. B
6. D
解析:通读全文不难发现本文的主旨是介绍冰球运动对加拿大文化的重要影响,“It really is Canada’s sport.”故选D。
7. B
8. C
9. D
解析:根据文章最后一段第二句可知选项D 表述有误,其他选项均与文义相符。
10. A
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